About Us

Facillitee, Inc. works with property owners, property managers, business owners, facility managers, and building engineers by making their properties more energy efficient.


Working with a range of facilities from commercial & industrial properties to multi-residential buildings, our focus is to decrease energy costs beginning with energy-consuming applications that use the most energy.  Exterior and interior lighting, HVAC systems, and heat gain & loss associated to building envelopes, are some examples of excessive energy-consuming applications that we address and strive to upgrade to improve and make more energy efficient. Residual energy consumption associated the aforementioned assets and their ancillaries are also areas of focus which yield good opportunities to save energy & money.

Our approach is to assess the structure holistically. This provides a broad overview and allows us to focus on each asset individually and collectively to determine the best energy saving solutions available. Therefore the scale and scope of the project becomes less relevant and our methods consistently lend towards desired, relevant, outcomes!
